Our depth is vast and boundless with Genjo Marinello, Roshi

podcast Oct 23, 2018

Genjo Marinello began his Zen training in 1975 sitting his first sesshin in the summer of 1977. He began the formal process of ordination 1980 in Seattle and trained at Ryutaku-Ji in Japan in 1981-82. In 1999, Genjo Roshi was installed as abbot of Chobo-ji temple in Seattle, where he has served ever since. Genjo was affirmed as the dharma heir of the late Eido Shimano Roshi in May of 2008. His talks and essays have been widely published and his commentary on koan practice has been translated into several languages. Committed to both justice and the teachings of Buddhism, Genjo serves several local and national interfaith organizations and has participated in Bearing Witness retreats at Auschwitz/Birkenau, Rwanda and the Black Hills of South Dakota. 

You can find out more about his teaching and retreat schedule at choboji.org 

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