Zen Principles for Overcoming Addictive Behaviors
A Kwan Um Zen Online Zen.Life Workshop led byĀ
Hang Ruan, L.I.C.S.W. & Kathy Park JDPSN
ThursdayĀ January 23 / 17:00 PST / 20:00 EST
Friday January 24 / 10:00 KST
via Zoom
This program includesĀ a basic overview of addiction (substance use disorders), recovery, and holistic approaches that combine spiritual wisdom from Zen and mindfulness as compassionate paths to healing. The workshop covers a review of diagnostic criteria, models of addiction, stages of change, and treatment. Focusing on mindfulness-based psychotherapies, we will explore their roots in and overlap with Zen Buddhist meditation and teachings. This is a program for meditation practitioners with an interest in the connection between addiction, mindfulness-based psychotherapies, and Zen.*Ā
*Disclaimer: The information provided in this workshop is offered for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a healthcare service, nor to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. Your participation in this workshop does not create a provider/patient relationship. Please consult with your health care provider for any questions or concerns.

Hang Ruan
Hang Ruan is a psychotherapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in mindfulness therapy. He has 18 years of experience in the mental health field, including 10 years in addiction treatment. Hang is a former Fellow and faculty in the National Center of Excellence in Substance Addiction Treatment & Education, and has published peer-reviewed articles and presented nationally on substance use disorders, mental illness, chronic pain, and mindfulness. Hang is a senior dharma teacher at the Ocean Light Zen Center in Seattle, and began practicing in the Kwan Um Zen tradition in 2001.

Kathy Park JDPSN
Kathy Park JDPSN is a Guiding Teacher at Kwan Um Zen Online and at Zenseoul in South Korea. She received inka (permission to teach) in 2016. While working with Zen practitioners from all over the world world, she has developed a keen interest in approaches to emotional healing and recovery with Zen training in different cultures.