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Climate Cafe: February 2024

Saturday March 16: 8PM EST
Sunday March 17: 1AM CET / 9AM KST
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A Climate Café is an opportunity to give ourselves time to sit, perhaps with a hot drink and a slice of cake, and describe our thoughts and feelings about the crises of our ecology. Climate Cafés are bound by confidentiality although they are not therapy sessions. We invite you to take part in a warm, hospitable, facilitated conversation where you can reflect on the experiences and feelings of yourself and others without being bounced into action. This is one way of coping with the challenges facing us all. There are no guest speakers, no lectures, no advice, no commitment, and it is free from activism/action. 

Spaces are limited for the Climate Café so that we can create a more comfortable and intimate environment for all. If you are unable to join for any reason, please inform us at least 48 hours beforehand so that we can allow others to take your place. Thanks!